How can you prepare for the coming rebound by adding to your software an analytics/dashboarding component?
By watching Onbrane’s webinar!
Webinar: build Embedded analytics with Toucan
Onbrane is a marketplace for corporate debt products and chose to build its embedded analytics dashboard with Toucan!
Arnaud Sales, co-founder and product manager at Onbrane, explains how choosing to partner and collaborate with us was critical to achieving their product vision faster and more efficiently.
Just as Onbrane uses Slack and Jira for project management or Docker for its infrastructure, Onbrane chose Toucan as a best-of-breed data storytelling tool that allows them to stay focused on their mission.
Why watch this webinar?
- To open your chakras in these complicated times when we all have the responsibility to prepare for what comes next!
- To have concrete ideas and tips to enhance the value of the automated data generated or collected by your applications.
- To know the Do’s and Don’t’s of a project to create or improve Analytics/Dashboarding in a SaaS tool
- To (re)discover the possibilities offered by Embedded Analytics
To dig deeper
- 9 top influencers BI & Embedded Analytics to follow
- The Toucan Toco website
- Our blog: La Plume du Toucan
Feel free to comment or share this article with anyone who needs Embedded Analytics/needs more information about it 😉.
About Toucan Toco
Our mission: tell Business Performance Stories through interactive Data and Data Storytelling.
Our users: Marketing, Production, Finance, Human Resources, SalesForces, and Top management of Big Companies.
From 4 partners to 90 employees in 5 years, we were self-financed until 2019, thanks to the support of more than 100 clients, for more than 300 projects, including Renault, Crédit Agricole, Elior, Icade, Nexity, EDF, GRDF, BNP Paribas, Heineken, Marques Avenue, Euler Hermes, BIC, SNCF… We have completed our first funding from Balderton Capital and the former founder of Business Object to accelerate our development in the United States.
Small apps are mobile, easy to use, made for action, and easy to set up in any information system.