dedicated applications
23 / year
themed webinars
monthly visits


  • Turn static files (like PDF, Excel and PowerPoint) from restitution studies into a customizable, interactive, and accessible solution for members.
  • Have a tool that allows rapid updating and enrichment, without additional development or coding.
  • Deliver insights via the existing web portal without interfering with the experience 



  • Digitization of data delivery. Turn static studies into interactive web applications.
  • Deploy a web-based, code-free platform to structure and deliver insights to members.
  • Offer a solution as an integrated, transparent, white-label component of the member web portal.



  • Increased the frequency of member visits on the web portal by +76% in monthly visits.
  • Faster creation and delivery of studies, 61% on average.
  • Used Toucan as a third-party solution that is 100% transparent to end-users, who now happily find all studies in the member portal.

Real Estate


The independent study, research and prospective center specializing in real estate. Its objective is to support real estate and investment players in their activity and their strategic thinking by offering them studies, analysis notes and summaries.

Key takeaways
  • Created in 1986
  • 120+ member companies
Toucan helped us drive our monetization strategies by modernizing relationships with our members and delivering more value.
IEIF - Christian de Kerangal, CEO