Embedded reporting - what is it?

In order to run a successful business today, companies need to rely on real-time data analytics to make their next big move. Still, 50% are just using spreadsheets to collect and manage their data.

That's a whole lot of companies trying to make sense of mountains of data every single day. How do you make all that data work for you? Integrating embedded reporting into the software your team already uses can give you the insights you need without any of the hassle.

In this guide, we're diving headfirst into the world of embedded reporting. If you're all about making smarter decisions without getting bogged down by the nitty-gritty of data analysis, stick around.


Embedded Reporting defintion

At its core, embedded reporting integrates sophisticated reporting and analytics capabilities directly into the software your team or client uses every day. You won't have to switch between apps to get the data insights you need. Embedded reporting brings the data to you, right where you're already working.

Now, you might be wondering, "How's that different from the traditional reporting tools I'm used to?" Great question!

Traditional reporting tools often stand apart from your daily business applications. They require you to export data from your operational systems and then import it into another tool to analyze and report. It's not exactly efficient.

Embedded reporting, on the other hand, seamlessly integrates these analytics and reporting functions within your existing software environment. No more data exporting and importing gymnastics. Whether it's a CRM, ERP, or any other system your business relies on, embedded reporting tools are designed to fit right in, providing data insights at a glance.

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The Technology Behind Embedded Reporting

Embedded reporting leverages APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and SDKs (Software Development Kits) to become a part of your existing applications. This technology allows the reporting tools to access data directly from your operational systems in real-time, crunch the numbers, and present the insights where they're most useful to you.

The beauty of this setup is that it offers real-time, actionable insights. No more waiting for end-of-day or end-of-month reports.

If something's happening in your data, you'll know about it now. This immediate access to data can dramatically change how decisions are made within a company, making the entire process more dynamic and responsive.


How Is an Embedded Report Used?

Embedded reporting is versatile, powerful, and indispensable across a multitude of scenarios. Its application spans various industries and functions, proving that when it comes to data, the one-size-fits-all approach is a thing of the past.

Embedded Reporting in Business

By analyzing reports in the context of data in its entirety within the applications that store the data, businesses can gather better insights. Reports may be viewed and generated by end users at all levels within the applications that they use most frequently. By doing so, they are able to make better decisions while increasing their productivity. End users are able to access only relevant dashboards and data streams, eliminating the need to browse through dashboards and charts.

Businesses can benefit from embedded reporting in the following ways:
- Dashboards can be created, viewed, and edited to show key performance indicators, sales, and other indicators
- Compile data from a variety of sources
- Permissions are used to manage user access
- The application can be customized in terms of its appearance and feel

There are, however, a few challenges associated with embedded reporting:
-  Implementation may require an initial investment.
- Despite the fact that it is available to all users, some training may be required to gain valuable insights from the system

Imagine a sales team that can view, Real-time sales analytics, Customer interaction histories, Performance metrics.

All without ever leaving their CRM. Embedded reporting enables this by integrating sales dashboards directly into the CRM platform, empowering sales representatives to make data-driven decisions on the fly. 

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Key Features of Embedded Reporting Tools

Embedded reporting tools are not just about slapping some data onto your applications. They're about weaving insightful analytics into the very fabric of your business operations and doing so in style.


Deep Customization Possibilities

Think of embedded reporting tools as the chameleons of the software world. They blend in so well with your existing applications that users might not even realize they're interacting with an external tool.

Deep customization allows these tools to mirror the look, feel, and functionality of the host application, ensuring that the transition between regular features and data analytics feels as smooth as butter. Whether it's matching the color scheme, font styles, or layout preferences, embedded reporting tools can fit your brand like a glove.


White Label Option

Branding is your company's identity. That's why the white label option in embedded reporting tools is a big deal. It allows businesses to brand their analytics and reports as their own, providing a cohesive experience that reinforces brand identity.

This feature is crucial for maintaining trust and familiarity with users, ensuring that even the analytics part of your application feels like an integral part of your ecosystem, not some alien spaceship that landed by accident.


Performance and Security

Under the hood of these sleek, customizable reporting tools are robust technologies ensuring that everything runs like a well-oiled machine. Performance and security are the twin pillars supporting every reliable embedded reporting tool.

We're talking about lightning-fast data processing that delivers insights in real-time, without any lag or downtime. On the security front, these tools are fortified with the latest in data encryption and compliance standards, ensuring that sensitive data remains under lock and key.

Because let's face it, in today's world, speed and security are absolutely essential.


Data Connectivity

One of the coolest features of embedded reporting tools is their ability to play nice with a wide array of data sources. Whether your data lives in:

  • A traditional SQL database
  • A modern NoSQL store
  • A series of flat files

These tools can connect, extract, and visualize your data without breaking a sweat. And with the rise of no-code and low-code solutions, you don't need to be a data wizard to make it happen. This ease of connectivity democratizes data analytics, allowing even non-technical users to get in on the action and derive meaningful insights from their data.



People switch from desktops to tablets to smartphones more than ever. That is why responsiveness is key. Embedded reporting tools look and work great across all devices, ensuring that users can access critical data insights anytime, anywhere.

Responsiveness allows the user experience to remain consistent and intuitive, regardless of the device. After all, what good is a dashboard if you can't read it on your phone?


Toucan's Embedded Reports Product

At Toucan, we've crafted our embedded analytics solution with a blend of sophistication and simplicity. It can empower your applications with insightful data without disrupting the user experience.

Our solution is built on the flexibility of modern web technologies like iFrames and Web components, which are the cornerstones of our embedding process. This approach offers a couple of significant advantages.

First off, we have ease of integration. By using web components, we can embed our analytics into your application as a 'page within a page', keeping it separate from your main application code, which means you benefit from our product developments without additional work from your R&D team

We also offer a component-based design. With Web components, we offer more seamless integration, packaging all the necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a single, reusable module that you can embed as if it were part of your native app code.

Here's a quick walkthrough of how you'd typically embed our analytics into your application:

  1. Decide where in your application you want the analytics to appear
  2. Select the visualization or dashboard you want to embed
  3. Generate the custom embed code
  4. Simply copy the script provided by the Toucan platform
  5. Paste it into the codebase of your application
  6. Customize the size
  7. Edit the interaction options
  8. Preview your application to see the embedded analytics in action
  9. Deploy the changes
  10. Embed reports

We understand the importance of a unified platform experience. That's why our embedded analytics are highly customizable, not just in appearance but in functionality too. You can tailor the analytics to match your application's look and feel, ensuring that users see a consistent brand and interface.


Transforming Data Into Decisions

Embedded reporting is the linchpin of savvy, data-driven organizations. It redefines how we interact with data, transforming it into actionable insights that inform every decision, big or small. With Toucan's customer-facing analytics platform, you're telling a compelling story that engages and informs.

Ready to elevate your data game? Join the ranks of over 150 clients worldwide who trust Toucan to turn insights into action. Embrace the power of data storytelling with us, and let's make every data point count.

Discover Toucan's embedded reporting today.