Elevate Your Analytics with Toucan’s Latest Features

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In the world of data analytics, having the right tools can make all the difference. Toucan's latest features are here to simplify your reporting processes, boost query performance visibility, and provide enhanced control over user permissions. Discover how these updates can help you create more efficient, insightful, and secure analytics workflows. 
Let's dive into these exciting new releases and explore how they can transform your analytics experience with Toucan.

Introducing Multiple PDF Reports

Creating and managing PDF reports in Toucan just got a whole lot easier. Our new feature allows builders to compile multiple PDF reports within a single application, catering to different end-user groups or analytical perspectives. Empower end-users to access, download, and email reports from both desktop and mobile devices.

Multiple PDF Reports

What's Changed:

  • Ability to compile multiple PDF reports within a single application.
  • Streamlined report creation process, reducing the need for multiple apps.
  • Enhanced mobile experience for viewing, downloading, or emailing reports.

How to Leverage the Release:

  • Easily create tailored PDF reports for various end-user groups or analytical perspectives.
  • Reduce maintenance and costs by managing all reports within a single app.
  • Schedule report generation and distribution to ensure timely insights.

Interested in more technical details of the update? Check out the complete release note here.

Insights on Query Performance: Enhancing Visibility and Troubleshooting

Understanding and optimizing query performance is crucial for ensuring efficient data retrieval and analysis. Our new Hybrid Pipeline  feature enhances visibility into chart and tile queries, providing detailed insights and troubleshooting capabilities directly within the editor. This query update ensures optimal query performance for smoother and faster data analysis.

query (1)

What's Changed:

  • Detailed query performance inspection.
  • Ability to identify and analyze performance bottlenecks.
  • Alerts for slow queries and streamlined troubleshooting.

How to Leverage the Release:

  • Inspect query performance details to identify and address bottlenecks quickly.
  • Utilize alerts to stay informed about slow queries and take corrective action.
  • Access detailed execution insights for better performance management and optimization.

If you want more insight into the update, check out the complete release note here.

Enhanced Control with Group Privileges

Managing user access and permissions is a critical aspect of data security and workflow efficiency. With the extensive rework of our Group Privileges feature, you now have greater control over access and permissions within your organization. Explore the complete release note here for more details.


What's Changed:

  • Robust and scalable architecture for Group Privileges.
  • Ability to create specific groups with shared permissions for user application access.

How to Leverage the Release:

  • Define and manage user access by creating groups with tailored permissions.
  • Ensure secure and efficient application access control within your organization.
  • Simplify user management and enhance collaboration by grouping users with similar roles and access needs.
  • Utilize the updated technical architecture for a more reliable and scalable permission management system.

If you are interested in learning more about managing groups in Toucan, dive into our product documentation here.


With these latest updates, Toucan continues to advance the capabilities and efficiency of our platform, making it easier for builders to create and manage insightful data presentations. The introduction of multiple PDF reports, enhanced query performance insights, and improved user access control empowers users to streamline their workflows and focus on delivering impactful data narratives. We invite you to explore these new features and experience firsthand how they can enhance your analytics processes via our free trial experience. Your journey towards more efficient and powerful data storytelling starts here with Toucan.


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