Redefining the Builder Experience: Toucan’s New Design Updates 

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At Toucan, we are committed to streamlining the builder experience and enhancing the aesthetics of data storytelling. Our latest updates are designed to prioritize aesthetic excellence, driving engagement and making data presentation more compelling. Let's explore the different features from our new releases.

Enhancing the design elements & creating a better experience

In the dynamic world of data analytics, presenting data in an engaging and visually appealing way is essential. At Toucan, we believe that providing a captivating experience is key to encouraging regular use and adoption. That’s why we’ve revamped a part of Toucan that hasn’t seen much change recently, making it more visually appealing and easier to discover and use. Dive into the details of these latest updates and learn how they can transform your analytics experience.

A New Look for the Toucan App Store

We've taken significant strides in our product redesign journey, and the latest release brings a fresh, sleek look to the Toucan app store. The new App Tile design is immediately noticeable, offering more space to showcase essential information prominently. Users can now easily access the latest edits, latest publishes, and app ID copies directly from the tiles.

What's Changed:

  • Introduction of a new App Tile design for better information visibility.
  • Enhanced app information editing, duplication, and deletion experiences.
  • Ability to customize the order of apps through a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  • Consistent headers across all administration pages, including Users, Embed Manager, Settings, Credentials, and Notifications.

How to Leverage the Release:

  • A more engaging entry point for your audience on the Toucan platform
  • Simplified builder experience for creating and managing apps at scale
  • Enjoy a cohesive and consistent user experience across all administration pages, enhancing overall navigation and usability.

If you want more insight into the update, check out the complete release note here.

Explore the Transformative Features in Toucan 3.0

To help you fully grasp the power of Toucan 3.0, our Chief Product Officer, Adrien, hosted a dedicated webinar showcasing the four major features along with numerous enhancements that redefine the builder experience. Let’s delve into these four features covered in the webinar to give you a closer look at the enhancements that redefine the builder experience within Toucan.

If you are using an older version of Toucan, you should definitely keep reading. Here’s what’s new and how you can leverage these advancements:

1. Native SQL: Speed and Simplicity in Data Preparation

Native SQL is a game-changer for our no-code data preparation tool, YouPrep. It translates YouPrep steps into SQL queries, offering a dedicated UX to explore and select tables through a graphical interface. Non-technical builders can now create no-code queries and benefit from the performance of their SQL databases, with querying speeds up to 20 times faster.

2. DataHub: Efficiency in Data Maintenance

DataHub is designed to save time and boost efficiency in data maintenance. Now, all datasets in Toucan are reusable across the app, whether stored or live. This allows for a clean data lineage and easier maintenance, with a dependency manager clarifying dataset impacts.

3. Smart Editor: Rapid App Design

The Smart Editor is the cornerstone of fast app design in Toucan 3.0. It automates common operations to create the right dataset for any chart, without needing extensive data preparation. Builders can now design internal apps ten times faster.

4. Unlimited Filters: Enhanced Exploration Experience

With Toucan 3.0, you can create an unlimited number of filters, unlocking a smoother exploration experience. A dedicated panel centralizes filter management, and filters can be pinned or unpinned within stories.

If you want more insight into these updates, check out the webinar replay here. Our CPO even dives into a live demo of each feature. You don’t want to miss it. 


With our latest updates, Toucan continues to redefine the builder experience, focusing on aesthetic excellence and intuitive design. By enhancing the look and functionality of the Toucan app store and unveiling the powerful features of Toucan 3.0, we empower builders to create compelling data stories with ease. If you're interested in trying out any of the new features highlighted above, be sure to sign up for your 14-day free trial!  

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